
Stuck Inside? Fun Indoor Games to Play with Your Dog

Pet Wants 

It’s always great to take your dog on a walk when you wake up in the morning or get home from work. But during the winter, some days are simply too cold to be outside for more than a few minutes. If you’re stuck inside and want to avoid cabin fever, we want to share several fun indoor games that you can play with your dog:

1. Treasure Hunt

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell. You can create a game around this sense by gathering several small containers and flipping them upside down. Then place a healthy dog treat under one of the containers. Once the treat it hidden, let your dog come over and see if it’s able to pick the right container. If your pet is successful, give the treat as a reward and then continue to make the game harder by adding more containers or by placing the containers randomly around the room.

2. Get Social

Getting together indoors generally isn’t the best option for dogs who aren’t familiar with each other. But if you have a friend or family member with a dog that your pet likes, invite them over for some playtime. You and your guest can enjoy catching up in the warmth of your home while you watch the dogs play together inside.

3. Tug of War

Most dogs absolutely love playing tug of war. Once your dog gets into this game, you’ll likely be able to drag your pet all over the house without it wanting to let go. This game is a really fun way to help your dog burn lots of energy. And if you want to let your pet continue enjoying this game when you’re away from home, there are a variety of indoor toy stands designed for this exact purpose.

4.  Hide and Seek

Does your dog know basic commands like stay and come? If so, you can easily enjoy lots of rounds of hide and seek. The best way to play this game with your dog is to take your dog to the kitchen and tell it to stay. Once you’ve found a great hiding place, tell your pet to come. It will probably take a couple of minutes for your dog to find you, but when they do make sure you reward them with scratches and kisses.

By trying out different indoor games on cold days, you’ll be able to stay active and have a lot of fun with your dog!

For more information on pets or to try one of our nutritious blends, please visit Pet Wants.

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Pet Wants