
What You Need to Know About Pet Wellness in the New Year

Pet Wants 

The new year is know for people starting new and typically healthier lifestyles. However, pets are often forgotten during these trends. This year, make your pet’s health a priority with Pet Wants!

Feed them a high-quality diet (Pet Wants Fresh Pet Food) and use the correct portions (follow the feeding guidelines): 

When it comes to feeding our pets, the issue is twofold: pets are usually getting too much food, and they’re usually not getting the right food. 

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, up to 60% percent of pets are overweight or obese. All of this extra weight severely impacts their quality of life; you can expect to see arthritis, hypertension, and diabetes in overweight pets, leading to costly vet bills and a shortened lifespan.  

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to purchasing food for your pet:  

  • Check your food label—you want to ensure your pet’s food has a healthy protein such as salmon, turkey, lamb, duck, whitefish, or chicken listed as the top ingredient. 
  • Avoid food that is disproportionately made up of fillers like wheat, corn, and soy.  
  • Purchase high-quality food that exceeds the standards of the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO)
  • Follow the feeding instructions on the bag—doling out the correct portions based on your pet’s size is the key to maintaining a healthy weight. 
  • Tailor your pet’s diet to their specific health needs with the help of your Pet Wants Nutrition Consultant & your veterinarian.  

Daily Exercise with Your Pet: 

Pet obesity is a huge problem, and it’s primarily caused by poor diet and lack of exercise. Just because you switched your pet to a higher quality food doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods quite yet! You still need to make sure your pet is getting enough exercise to burn off extra energy and calories. 

It’s important to note that the benefit of exercise isn’t just physical. This daily routine gives your pet a much-needed mental workout too. Without consistent daily exercise, your pets may develop mood disorders and destructive behaviors. 

Dogs generally need at least 60 minutes of active walking and/or running per day. Depending on their age and breed, your dog may need more or less activity to stay happy and healthy.  

Here are some things you can expect to see from exercising your pets on a daily basis: 

  • An enhanced bond between you and your pet 
  • Reduced anxiety and boredom. 
  • More structure and routine  
  • Less unwanted and destructive behaviors  

Provide Your Pets with Engaging Toys and Chews:  

As much as we might like to, we can’t be with our pets every moment of the day, so it’s important to ensure that their environment at home is full of enriching toys and activities to keep them occupied while you’re away.  

Mental stimulation is essential for their overall health and leaving a pet alone without meaningful stimuli can be detrimental to their overall well-being.  

The only thing better than toys is a tired pet, so this is where exercise can be a huge benefit too! Make sure your pets have been thoroughly exercised before you leave the house for a few hours, and you can be certain that they won’t miss you too much while you’re gone.  

Visit Your Veterinarian At Least Twice A Year: 

If you’re only taking your pets to the vet when it seems like something is wrong, then you may be putting their health at risk.  By the time you notice an issue, it could be too severe to fully treat or correct.  

Prevention is the key to keeping your pets healthy, so semi-annual checkups with your veterinarian are crucial to protecting your pet’s health and wellness. Animals oftentimes hide their illnesses, so getting them to the vet can prevent underlying diseases and conditions from becoming more severe.  

Brush Your Pet’s Teeth Every Day: 

One of the most routinely overlooked aspects of pet health is their oral health. Most pets will show some signs of periodontal disease by the time they are 3 years old, which could easily be avoided with proper at-home dental care. Just like exercise or a healthy diet, brushing your pet’s teeth at least once a day can prevent a slew of health issues

It’s important to understand how oral health impacts the rest of the body—when you don’t brush your pet’s teeth, you’re not just putting their teeth and gums at risk, but you’re compromising their overall health. Periodontal disease can be absorbed into your dog’s bloodstream, meaning that their internal organs (such as the kidney and liver) can suffer serious, irreversible damage.  

You can find your local Pet Wants here to shop our fresh pet food, all natural treats, and more!

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Pet Wants